In this thought-provoking episode of The Jeff Kung Show, Jeff is joined by Shang, creator of Save My Cents, to tackle some of the most controversial questions around money, culture, and modern life:
• Should everyone have kids—or are they just financial liabilities?
• Is homeownership still the American Dream, or a trap for young professionals?
• Are billionaires to blame for economic inequality, or should we rethink our financial systems?
• How do cultural expectations shape our money habits—and hold us back?
• Is FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) just a pipe dream for most people?
Shang doesn’t hold back, sharing candid insights from her Wall Street career and personal financial journey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to redefine your financial goals, this episode will challenge what you think you know about money.
🎧 Tune in for a conversation that breaks taboos, stirs debate, and offers actionable advice for building your wealth and finding balance.
🔗 Connect with Jeff: IG @jeffkungshow @jeffreypkung
🔗 Connect with Shang: IG @SaveMyCents
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